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Opportunity card based on points (Section 20 b Residence Act)

04.07.2024 - Artikel

The following additional documents have to be submitted by applicants who apply for an opportunity card based on points (option 2) because their foreign qualification is not equivalent:


  • Foreign university degree certificate (original document + copy) AS WELL AS

    Proof of state recognition of university qualification – either in the form of
    Recognition of conditional comparability of the foreign university degree (printout from the anabin database for your university degree and your university)
    Statement of comparability by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) (original document + copy)

  • Foreign vocational training qualification (original document + copy) AS WELL AS

    Statement on a Foreign Vocational Qualification (original document + copy) issued by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) (state-recognised qualification, duration at least two years)
    Notice of partial recognition / Deficit notice for your vocational qualification (original document + copy)

  • Vocational qualification issued by one of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad with the relevant confirmation from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) (original document + copy)

Language skills

  • Certificate (original + 1 copy) of your knowledge of the German language (provided by Goethe-Institut e.V., telc GmbH, Österreichisches Sprachdiplom (ÖSD) or ECL) – at least A1!

  • Certificate (original + 1 copy) of your knowledge of the English language – at least B2!
    The issuer of the certificate must be certified by the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE); alternatively, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is also accepted.

Additional documents for the collection of points

You can also collect points for the opportunity card (details on the number of points awarded are available at Make it in Germany) by proving the following:

Proof of your professional experience in the last 5 or 7 years insofar as this is connected to your vocational qualification: employment references, confirmation of employment from your employer, etc. (original + 1 copy)

If you have been a legal resident in Germany for an uninterrupted period of at least 6 months in the last 5 years (short stays under the Schengen Agreement do not count!), please prove this by providing suitable documents, for example,
- valid rental contracts
- terms of employment, service contracts, etc.
- passports with visas and entry stamps

Does your spouse/registered partner also want to apply for an opportunity card – or have they already done so – to then enter Germany together with you? If yes, one of you can collect 1 additional point for the opportunity card. Please enclose proof of the opportunity card application submitted by your spouse/partner.

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